요즘 핫한 디저트 다모았습니다! 유니크한 한국 디저트 Top5 몰아보기 Top 5 Unique Korean Desserts You've Never Heard Of

요즘 핫한 디저트 다모았습니다! 유니크한 한국 디저트 Top5 몰아보기 Top 5 Unique Korean Desserts You’ve Never Heard Of

1.초콜릿 반죽으로 만든 마시멜로우 케이크 Delicious marshmallow cake made with chocolate dough 00:00 🗺️ google map https://maps.app.goo.gl/dnsCe1fSa56jUKK7A 2. 디저트 장인의 무스 케이크 선물세트 만들기 The process of making a mousse cake gift set from a Korean dessert artisan 12:33 🗺️…

당신의 마음을 사로잡을! 꼭 먹어봐야할 한국음식, 퓨전음식 BEST 몰아보기 TOP 9 Must-Try Korean Food That Will Blow Your Mind

당신의 마음을 사로잡을! 꼭 먹어봐야할 한국음식, 퓨전음식 BEST 몰아보기 TOP 9 Must-Try Korean Food That Will Blow Your Mind

1. 놀랍습니다! 칼로 돌려깎아 만드는 만두피 달인 Amazing skill! master of cutting dumpling skin with a knife – Korean street food 00:00 🗺️ google map https://maps.app.goo.gl/S2Xvds6vNwqqPtW58 2. 연 판매량 155톤! 무한리필 브라질 전통 바베큐 스테이크 Traditional brazilian barbecue steak 21:14…

Fish Tofu Noodles #streetfood #foodhunter #klfood #RingRoad

Fish Tofu Noodles #streetfood #foodhunter #klfood #RingRoad

Fish Tofu Noodles Location: 三和茶室 San Her Coffee Shop 34, Jalan Gelang, Pudu, 55200 Kuala Lumpur Business Hours: 6am-3pm (Thursday Closed) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 👉 Leave me a comment below & Subscribe to this channel https://youtube.com/@FoodHunter Food Hunter Journey https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcTDC8rR6eZ59eFmW_gwnaTeVqd2fP-Fo&si=XaMlWC6vtz4qQ0LW Eat Like…

Simple Malaysian Chinese Breakfast Noodles - Char Siu Wonton Noodles  #foodhunter

Simple Malaysian Chinese Breakfast Noodles – Char Siu Wonton Noodles #foodhunter

Location: 開记云吞面@源记茶餐室(文冬) 57, Jalan Chui Yin, 28700 Bentong, Pahang Business Hours: 7am – 5pm (Wed & Thu Closed) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 👉 Leave me a comment below & Subscribe to this channel https://youtube.com/@FoodHunter Food Hunter Journey https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcTDC8rR6eZ59eFmW_gwnaTeVqd2fP-Fo&si=XaMlWC6vtz4qQ0LW Eat Like A Local -…

Teow Chew Braised Duck  #foodhunter #malaysiafoodandtravel #streetfood

Teow Chew Braised Duck #foodhunter #malaysiafoodandtravel #streetfood

Location: SS2 Fatty Duck 卤鸭肥 2, Jalan SS 2/10, SS 2, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor B usiness Hours: 1pm – 9pm Contact: 012-262 6156 ………………………………………………………………………………………. 👉 Leave me a comment below & Subscribe to this channel https://youtube.com/@FoodHunter Food Hunter Journey…

Salt Baked Chicken Shorts #foodhunter #MalaysianDailyMeals #盐焗鸡

Salt Baked Chicken Shorts #foodhunter #MalaysianDailyMeals #盐焗鸡

Location: 正家乡盐焗鸡  Restoran Happy Salt Baked Chicken 1129, Jalan Jinjang, Jinjang Utara, 52000 Kuala Lumpur Business Hours: 11am – 5pm (Monday Closed) Contact: 016-625 7800 ………………………………………………………………………………………. 👉 Leave me a comment below & Subscribe to this channel https://youtube.com/@FoodHunter Food Hunter…

Every time I pass by, I can’t resist coming in for a plate of braised duck - SS2 Fatty Duck

Every time I pass by, I can’t resist coming in for a plate of braised duck – SS2 Fatty Duck

Every time I pass by, I can’t resist coming in for a plate of braised duck – SS2 Fatty Duck Location: SS2 Fatty Duck 卤鸭肥 2, Jalan SS 2/10, SS 2, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Business Hours: 1pm – 9pm…

The world's smallest 3cm flower cake - Korean street food

The world’s smallest 3cm flower cake – Korean street food

Hello This is the “yummy yammy” channel. it is a channel with the purpose of introducing various food and street food Are you ready to travel together? ℹ️ Information The world’s smallest 3cm flower cake – Korean street food 🗺️google…

Happy Salt-Baked Chicken Will Keep You Coming Back for More!

Happy Salt-Baked Chicken Will Keep You Coming Back for More!

Happy Salt-Baked Chicken Will Keep You Coming Back for More! Location: Restoran Happy Salt Baked Chicken 正家乡盐焗鸡  1129, Jalan Jinjang, Jinjang Utara, 52000 Kuala Lumpur Business Hours: 11am – 5pm (Monday Closed) Contact Info: 016-625 7800 Dee Xiang Kopitiam 娣香盐焗鸡…

Malaysian Daily Meals - Hong Bak

Malaysian Daily Meals – Hong Bak

Jenjarom Traditional Hong Bak 名古屋传统封肉 (天灵道堂) Lot 3646, Jalan Sungai Buaya, Sungai Jarom, 42600 Kuala Langat, Selangor Business Hours: 6am – 11am (Monday Closed) 5pm – 7pm (Friday & Saturday only) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 👉 Leave me a comment below & Subscribe…