제주 구좌 흑당근으로 만드는 당근 큐브케이크 #Shorts

제주 구좌 흑당근으로 만드는 당근 큐브케이크 #Shorts

#Shorts #당근케이크 #케이크공장 Location : 제주 (외도 339) https://goo.gl/maps/VBANpsaNXTQaKqZNA (문의메일) jazz3651@naver.com

JB Amazing Night Market Malaysia Street Food

JB Amazing Night Market Malaysia Street Food

A popular and huge night market held every monday in Johor Bahru Malaysia We revisited in 2022 and it is still very crowded and lively Hard to go hungry here with many amazing and affordable Asian street food to eat!…