$4 vs $15 vs $88 – Michelin Sichuan Food in Chengdu China

A visit to 3 Michelin restaurants in Chengdu, 1 of them with one Michelin star. Mapo Tofu, Double-cooked pork and other dishes in these three high-end places.

Chen Mapo Tofu (Qinghua Road), No.10-12, 10 Qinghua Road, Chengdu
陈麻婆豆腐 (青华路) 青羊区青华路10号
– 30 RMB / 4 USD

Ming Ting Xiao Guan (Dacisi Road), No. 12, 54 Dacisi Road, Chengdu
明婷小馆 (锦江) 青羊区青华路10号
– 108 RMB / 15 USD

Xu’s Cuisine, No. 1, Block 8, Building & Greenwich Plaza, 1 Wangjiang Road, Chengdu
许家菜 武侯区望江路1号格林威治广场8栋附1号
– 642 RMB / 88 USD

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